Our Service

Braiding your own hair or with extensions is an excellent style choice for naturals of any length.

You can have it when you have grown tired with your hair and want to leave it alone for a while, or when you just want to change up your style or color. With minimal maintenance, you can keep them for weeks at a time.


Although walk-ins are welcomed, it is good to make an appointment so that we can attend to you right away.

Pick your hairstyle or get inspired through our GALLERY then call or Book an appointment

We keep track of our bookings at our different locations in order to eliminate any waiting time but be aware that we allow a 30 minutes window between appointments (not on morning appointments) because sometimes it just happens that we have to spend more time on a guest to groom them perfectly. There is no shortcut to beauty.

We also strive to alert our next guests through phone calls and text messages for any foreseable issues.

We ask that in return you let us know if you decide to postpone your appointment or if you will be late for more than an hour.

If you still haven't decided, it is okay, come in for a free consultation.

We can also take clients until 6PM.


1- Detangle your hair

2- Wash and condition your hair to remove oil and residue and to add strength and moisture before we braid it.

3- Put your hair into a style that will stretch it out until braiding time


Price not only depends on the hair style but also on its size and length.

If the hair style that you choose is made with human hair, please keep in mind that the price of the human hair is not included in the price. You can buy the human hair from a beauty supply.

While making your appointment ask how many bags of human hair you will need depending on the hair style.

If the hair style that you choose is made with synthetic hair, then we provide it to you for free for most styles.

Click on our detailed price chart button or just scroll down to our simplified price list to get a general sense.


Our Braiders are licensed and follow all the sanitary procedures required while handling your hair. They are also Master Braiders.

Master Braiders are known for their expertise in handling different types of hair, for their speed and, for the quality of their craft.

If you are tender headed please let us know when you are making your appointment. This will help us determine who will attend to you, advise you on the best hairstyles to minimize tightness and, pick the appropriate soothing products we will put on your braids after the service.

Hair Braiding
Hair Braiding


Although our Master Braiders are fast, the time that it takes to braid you, will also depend on the hair style, its size and its length.

Easy styles take on average about two hours.

Shoulder length and Bra length will take on average about 4-5 hours.

Waist length and small size styles can take on average about 5-6 hours.


Your service is done!

With proper care and maintenance your braids can last six to eight weeks.

Braids are such a low maintenance style that you'll have very little upkeep once they are in place and caring for them on a daily basis is easy.

Proper braid maintenance ensures a great look for the duration of the style.

After 4-5 weeks of wearing your braids, some guests may need to make an appointment with us for a touch up ($70). We will take down two entire rows of braids in the front, one entire row of braids in the back and re-do them to extend the life of your braids while giving you a great look and hair is included.

When you are ready to take your braids down, you are welcome to make an appointment with us. We will take them down, wash your hair and treat it at the small fee of $50.



At night, as with any hairdo, it is a good idea to cover your braids before bed. A silky or satiny scarf works well, or try an extra-large hair bonnet.

If sleeping with hair isn't your thing, a silky pillowcase is perfect.

1- Use regular shampoo (depending on the braid style) and condition your hair every two to three weeks, then rinse it out well out of the hair to avoid unwanted buildup. Between shampoos use a dry shampoo to keep your scalp clean. Also consider leave-in conditioners.

2- Keep your scalp moisturized. You can use Argan or Moroccan oils for best results. Avoid using grease because it clogs the pores.

2- Avoid pulling your hair into tight pony tails. It can cause traction alopecia around temples and edges.


1- Once you remove your braids, carefully comb your hair, dividing it in sections, starting from the ends and slowly working your way to the roots.

Your hair will shed during this process.

Don't worry! It's completely normal.

2- Use a gentle clarifying shampoo to rid your hair of the dirt and oils. Then use a moisturizing shampoo and give yourself a deep conditioning treatment.

3- Style as usual

KADY's Corner

Dear valued guest thank you!

Rest assured that we take pride in our work and each and every one of our Master Braiders is committed to making you happy.

We want you to return and refer us to family, friends and colleagues.

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